Vicky (volunteer)
- 60s
- Nelson
- Doesn’t visit the Museum
- Part-time museum volunteer
About Vicky
I was born in Nelson and have lived here all my life. Family and community are both very important to me. I’m semi-retired, but I love to think and keep busy, and I’m very interested in the cultural sector. You’d call me a cultural enthusiast.
I’m well-read and knowledgeable about my local museum and area, although I don’t have a university degree. I’ve been trying to teach myself to use the internet – but it takes a lot of patience and my connection isn’t very good. I’ve got poor vision so sometimes I struggle to read websites.
I love to be involved in my community and to share what I know with others. Te Papa’s resources are really helpful for this.
- Longer attention span
- Pull content
- Re-use
- Share knowledge
- Time poor
- Value me
My needs
I need:
- Professionally relevant, accurate, up-to-date and authoritative resources and information
- Information that’s easy to find
- Interesting information that’s clear, accessible and easy to digest
- To understand how I can use and re-use the information
My pain points
- I find it difficult to get professional information for my small district museum
- I’m frustrated by having terrible internet and no money at my museum
- Not getting help when I need it ruins my day
- I find it difficult with the general lack of resources appropriate for me
- I’m frustrated by lack of access to a community and relevant resources – I feel disconnected
- I’m frustrated when I can’t read a website – for example if their text is too small
Website must haves
If I use the Te Papa website it’s got to:
- help me find resources and information – a good search is important!
- show related content so I can find out more
- help me contact experts and a museum community
- provide remote access and remote learning opportunities
- have information that I can re-use
- have practical information on the topic I want – or point me to a place that does
- have easy to understand information
- tell me what I can and can’t do with the information I find
I want you to
- inform me
- guide me
- help me
- educate me
- value me